

The picture above shows a murmuration of starlings dodging the attack of a hawk.

Murmurations are one of the most hypnotic occurrences in nature. Unfortunately, and rather surprisingly, I could only find the following video:

Murmuration over Brighton's West Pier. Via. + Pics.

There are much larger and more impressive examples elsewhere I'm sure.
La fotografia muestra a un grupo de estorninos huyendo de un halcon.

Cuando una bandada de estorninos se junta al anochecer, crea uno de los espectaculos mas hipnoticos de la naturaleza:

Estorninos sobre el muelle Oeste de Brighton. Via. + Fotos.

Me consta que existen videos de bandadas de estorninos mucho mayores y mas espectaculares, pero no he conseguido localizar ninguno.


slĂ– said...

you might like these too:

greetings and keep up the good work.

xenmate said...

Thanks for stoping by slo. Yes, those pictures are great. Thanks for pointing me to them.