
shared by J.

Well, looks like the internet turn-off worked quite well, and I have advanced with the paperwork more than anticipated. To celebrate I did a bit of spying today. These were my findings:

Calvin's dad explains the mysteries of the universe.
New stuff from the great ferklint.
Do not adjust your monitor. This is an actual animal. It lives on our planet.
New York Bike Messengers.
Related: Rendez-Vous.
Allegro Non Troppo.
Versailles in the Pacific.
Flickr Tour of Inle Lake.

Retro Kid Pool via Drawn!
And talking about pools, the Uncoscious Art Of Demolition has 87 photographs in it!

Hope you enjoyed those. Hopefully the next batch won't be far away. Until then!


Carlos el Rojo said...

Muy buena noticia tu vuelta. Además cargadito de enlaces. Me ha molao el gato psicotrópico ese. Juas. Seguro que se comió un ratón en mal estado.

En fin, payo. Que malegro de que ya vaya mejor la movida. A seguir bien.

Anonymous said...

Es una Ofelia muy dulce.

A Moisés le veo un poco perdido...