Arnold Odermatt's crash photography


For 50 years, Arnold Odermatt documented traffic accidents on the roads of the Swiss canton of Niwalden (as well as everyday life in the police station). The former first lieutenant was a police photographer and his pictures served as evidence. He considered skilled precision as the absolute basis of his profession: “A good photo is in focus, you have to be able to see everything that you want,” was Odermatt’s creed. His technical equipment consisted of a Rolleiflex camera, a tripod and a magnesium cartridge to illuminate scenes of accidents at night as brightly as if it were day, for a full 13 seconds. In the mid 1990s, when Arnold Odermatt was already a pensioner, the photos he had taken in his professional capacity were discovered by the international art world.

Pictures found here. More info here.

Via mataratas and WMMNA.